Thursday 27 August 2009


Tobacco, Tyutyunov (Ukr) (Nicotiana rustica), species of herbaceous plants of tobacco, Solanaceae family. There was a (presumably) from crosses of wild species of tobacco - paniculate (N. paniculata) and corrugated (N. undulata). Makhorka - an annual plant, with ribbed or rounded stem height up to 1,2 m, taproot which penetrates the soil up to 1,5 m (the bulk of the roots of 0,3-0,5 m), with wrinkled leaves petiolate (12 -- 20 per stem), from light to dark green with a blue color tinge, in the axils of them - side shoots (stepsons). Flowers bisexual, yellow-green or cream, in paniculate racemes. Overground part makhorka in glandular hairs, publishes an odor. Fruit - polyspermous box. Seeds are oval, usually brown, 1000 seeds weigh 0,2-0,35, the growing season makhorka from sowing in the field to the technical maturity 80-130 days from transplanting to the technical maturity 60-100 days. Plant moisture-and thermophilic. Top soil - and fertile black soil of sod-podzolic.
In the dry leaves makhorka contains from 1 to 10% of nicotine and 15-20% organic acids, including more than 10% citric acid. Of these nibs is prepared for smoking, or makhorka smoking, smelling tobacco, broths for washing sheep, extracted nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Makhorka seeds contain 35-40% fatty oil, suitable for paint and soap industries. Homeland makhorka - the northern part of South America. In Europe makhorka was delivered in the early 16 th century, the territory of the USSR (Ukraine), it began to grow since the early 17 th century. Makhorka cultivated on a small area in Poland, Hungary, Algeria, etc. In the USSR in 1940 crops of its occupied 110 thousand hectares by 1972 had fallen to 16-20 thousand hectares, the average yield of 18.5 quintals per 1 ha, in the best farms - 30 -35 c. 1 ha. Best varieties: Malopasynkovy pehlets 4, AC-18 / 7, Hmelovka 125-s and others. In 1972 zoned 14 varieties makhorka
Makhorka grown in special crop rotation, the best predecessors - grasses, legumes, root vegetables. Autumn manure and mineral fertilizers. Method of culture: seedlings - overarm (area of plant nutrition 60 '20-30 cm), or sowing seeds in the soil - seyanka (aisle 60 cm, the rate of seeding 3-3,5 kg / ha). Care: decimation (seyanki), feeding, loosening, and vershkovanie pasynkovaniya. For 3-4 days before harvesting the stems makhorka splitting knife (strata). The cut off plants podvyalivayut in the field, tomyat in stacks, dried (or in garlands strung them on rods - glycine), and fermented. Pests makhorka: Winter Moth, meadow moth, wireworms, thrips, and others; disease - Ryabukha, apical chlorosis, and others.