Thus, in one of the district courts "East" in Makeyevka working illegally kiosk. It is located opposite the new children's playground. Near school and kindergarten. But this does not prevent entrepreneurs selling tobacco and alcohol around the clock. But local residents have to endure constant noise and fights under the windows.
This shop does not work the first year. Residents of houses complain that at night they can not sleep because of constant noise in the yard. Drunken fights here, too, is not uncommon. But most people feared that the number is kindergarten and school. People are convinced that the kiosk is not the place.
Valentine Matrosova:
"I do not know what is selling, but there is such a racket that is simply impossible to sleep. Sometimes it comes at night to open the window and scream. It is impossible. "
Lydia Perekotova:
"Continuing alcoholics gathered, and here, and for going to the kiosk. A particularly bad here in the summer, kids are going, and next to a playground.
Elena Kravchenko:
"How many houses here, school and kids running around constantly, and easily buy cigarettes."
At the kiosk sign "for children under 18 years of alcohol and tobacco products are not sold. We decided to check it and asked the 16-year-old Artyom buy alcohol here. Alcohol was sold to him without even asking about the age. Explain the reasons for non-compliance with the law the seller did not want to stand. Seeing the camera, the woman shut the door and turned off the light.
In the department for fighting economic crime, claim that the activities of the stall is illegal.
Andrei Chebotarev - deputy department for combating economic crime:
"If the kiosk has a trading area of more than 20 square meters, it is given a specific document on the implementation of this activity. The operative, who comes to check, visually see, everything can visually orient, that there is no real 20 squares. That is, of course activities with the implementation of alcohol and tobacco products is illegal. "
Over the past 3 weeks in the department for fighting economic crime has been tested around 25 stalls and shops. Almost all of them did not have all the provisions of the law documents. As for the stall in the neighborhood "East", the law enforcers promise in the near future to verify the legitimacy of his work.
To store a cigar
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Virginia Slims renovation
Virginia Slims brand always preparing some surprise for adult smokers. At this time, looking forward to spring mood and desire for change, she decided to update the entire line of fragrance, and to update the package design. Virginia Slims Ultra Lights with smooth, silky Flavor appeared in a new line. Was reduced tar and nicotine in the Virginia Slims Full Flavor, tobacco blend in the Virginia Slims Lights were repaired.
Creative and communicative strategy was devised by agency Leo Burnett Moscow, partner, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing. The basic idea behind the campaign is an update, freshness, and art.
Creative note, in every woman today. Taking into account the multiplicity of individual women, Virginia Slims cigarette adult smokers give another opportunity to express themselves, a challenge not only follow fashion trends, but also create your own style, inspired by cigarettes Virginia Slims.
New smooth flavor with pleasant shades of light, new, fresh color on the package, the new logo design and a description of the new brand. The campaign is aimed at sophisticated, well-informed, intelligent and adult women who are interested in literature, film and creative work.
Creative and communicative strategy was devised by agency Leo Burnett Moscow, partner, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing. The basic idea behind the campaign is an update, freshness, and art.
Creative note, in every woman today. Taking into account the multiplicity of individual women, Virginia Slims cigarette adult smokers give another opportunity to express themselves, a challenge not only follow fashion trends, but also create your own style, inspired by cigarettes Virginia Slims.
New smooth flavor with pleasant shades of light, new, fresh color on the package, the new logo design and a description of the new brand. The campaign is aimed at sophisticated, well-informed, intelligent and adult women who are interested in literature, film and creative work.
Chocolate for smokers
Scientists from Germany and Switzerland reported the good news for smokers. They learned how to avoid unpleasant consequences due to the friendship with tobacco at low cost. According to research, the best assistant in the health of bitter chocolate.
Team of scientists from the University of Zurich and the German Society of Cardiology, a bar of chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 75% protection against diseases of the cardiovascular system. According the study, consumption of chocolate (40 g) increases the functionality of vascular walls and improves the cardiovascular system. In addition, chocolate reduces the so-called platelets from sticking together, which leads to the formation of clots, reducing blood flow. These doses sufficient for him who for 8 hours, during which the chocolate shows a positive effect on circulation. Thereafter, the smoker, to seek the assistance of chocolate again.
Scientists have discovered a new medical properties of chocolate in the tests, 25 amateur cigarettes took part in the average age of a smoker was 26 years old. Some smokers were offered chocolate, other] white chocolate. As a result of the experiment, scientists found that observed in the first case the product had a favorable effect on the body of smokers in the second or influence. As the experts suggest the healing power of chocolate based on the fact that cocoa contains antioxidants, which have stimulating effects on the vascular system. Thus, smokers can eat this sweet product after each smoking.
Team of scientists from the University of Zurich and the German Society of Cardiology, a bar of chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 75% protection against diseases of the cardiovascular system. According the study, consumption of chocolate (40 g) increases the functionality of vascular walls and improves the cardiovascular system. In addition, chocolate reduces the so-called platelets from sticking together, which leads to the formation of clots, reducing blood flow. These doses sufficient for him who for 8 hours, during which the chocolate shows a positive effect on circulation. Thereafter, the smoker, to seek the assistance of chocolate again.
Scientists have discovered a new medical properties of chocolate in the tests, 25 amateur cigarettes took part in the average age of a smoker was 26 years old. Some smokers were offered chocolate, other] white chocolate. As a result of the experiment, scientists found that observed in the first case the product had a favorable effect on the body of smokers in the second or influence. As the experts suggest the healing power of chocolate based on the fact that cocoa contains antioxidants, which have stimulating effects on the vascular system. Thus, smokers can eat this sweet product after each smoking.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Tobacco, Tyutyunov (Ukr) (Nicotiana rustica), species of herbaceous plants of tobacco, Solanaceae family. There was a (presumably) from crosses of wild species of tobacco - paniculate (N. paniculata) and corrugated (N. undulata). Makhorka - an annual plant, with ribbed or rounded stem height up to 1,2 m, taproot which penetrates the soil up to 1,5 m (the bulk of the roots of 0,3-0,5 m), with wrinkled leaves petiolate (12 -- 20 per stem), from light to dark green with a blue color tinge, in the axils of them - side shoots (stepsons). Flowers bisexual, yellow-green or cream, in paniculate racemes. Overground part makhorka in glandular hairs, publishes an odor. Fruit - polyspermous box. Seeds are oval, usually brown, 1000 seeds weigh 0,2-0,35, the growing season makhorka from sowing in the field to the technical maturity 80-130 days from transplanting to the technical maturity 60-100 days. Plant moisture-and thermophilic. Top soil - and fertile black soil of sod-podzolic.
In the dry leaves makhorka contains from 1 to 10% of nicotine and 15-20% organic acids, including more than 10% citric acid. Of these nibs is prepared for smoking, or makhorka smoking, smelling tobacco, broths for washing sheep, extracted nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Makhorka seeds contain 35-40% fatty oil, suitable for paint and soap industries. Homeland makhorka - the northern part of South America. In Europe makhorka was delivered in the early 16 th century, the territory of the USSR (Ukraine), it began to grow since the early 17 th century. Makhorka cultivated on a small area in Poland, Hungary, Algeria, etc. In the USSR in 1940 crops of its occupied 110 thousand hectares by 1972 had fallen to 16-20 thousand hectares, the average yield of 18.5 quintals per 1 ha, in the best farms - 30 -35 c. 1 ha. Best varieties: Malopasynkovy pehlets 4, AC-18 / 7, Hmelovka 125-s and others. In 1972 zoned 14 varieties makhorka
Makhorka grown in special crop rotation, the best predecessors - grasses, legumes, root vegetables. Autumn manure and mineral fertilizers. Method of culture: seedlings - overarm (area of plant nutrition 60 '20-30 cm), or sowing seeds in the soil - seyanka (aisle 60 cm, the rate of seeding 3-3,5 kg / ha). Care: decimation (seyanki), feeding, loosening, and vershkovanie pasynkovaniya. For 3-4 days before harvesting the stems makhorka splitting knife (strata). The cut off plants podvyalivayut in the field, tomyat in stacks, dried (or in garlands strung them on rods - glycine), and fermented. Pests makhorka: Winter Moth, meadow moth, wireworms, thrips, and others; disease - Ryabukha, apical chlorosis, and others.
In the dry leaves makhorka contains from 1 to 10% of nicotine and 15-20% organic acids, including more than 10% citric acid. Of these nibs is prepared for smoking, or makhorka smoking, smelling tobacco, broths for washing sheep, extracted nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). Makhorka seeds contain 35-40% fatty oil, suitable for paint and soap industries. Homeland makhorka - the northern part of South America. In Europe makhorka was delivered in the early 16 th century, the territory of the USSR (Ukraine), it began to grow since the early 17 th century. Makhorka cultivated on a small area in Poland, Hungary, Algeria, etc. In the USSR in 1940 crops of its occupied 110 thousand hectares by 1972 had fallen to 16-20 thousand hectares, the average yield of 18.5 quintals per 1 ha, in the best farms - 30 -35 c. 1 ha. Best varieties: Malopasynkovy pehlets 4, AC-18 / 7, Hmelovka 125-s and others. In 1972 zoned 14 varieties makhorka
Makhorka grown in special crop rotation, the best predecessors - grasses, legumes, root vegetables. Autumn manure and mineral fertilizers. Method of culture: seedlings - overarm (area of plant nutrition 60 '20-30 cm), or sowing seeds in the soil - seyanka (aisle 60 cm, the rate of seeding 3-3,5 kg / ha). Care: decimation (seyanki), feeding, loosening, and vershkovanie pasynkovaniya. For 3-4 days before harvesting the stems makhorka splitting knife (strata). The cut off plants podvyalivayut in the field, tomyat in stacks, dried (or in garlands strung them on rods - glycine), and fermented. Pests makhorka: Winter Moth, meadow moth, wireworms, thrips, and others; disease - Ryabukha, apical chlorosis, and others.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Keep your cigars
Cigars should be kept in a controlled environment. A cedar lined box, called a humidor is traditionally used for storage. The cedar helps flavor and age the cigar. Cedar also holds moisture well which helps keep humidity at a constant level.
Cigars kept at 70% RH and 70° F offer the best smoking experience. Tobacco burns smoothly and tastes the best when kept with in this range. A dry cigar burns fast and has a harsh flavor. A damp cigar will be hard to keep lit and can grow mold while in storage.
Humidors should always close tightly, providing a seal that keeps the atmosphere inside at a constant level. A reusable moisturizer should be used to aid in the humidification. A gauge that monitors temperature and humidity can be helpful to keep optimal conditions constant.
Cigars kept at 70% RH and 70° F offer the best smoking experience. Tobacco burns smoothly and tastes the best when kept with in this range. A dry cigar burns fast and has a harsh flavor. A damp cigar will be hard to keep lit and can grow mold while in storage.
Humidors should always close tightly, providing a seal that keeps the atmosphere inside at a constant level. A reusable moisturizer should be used to aid in the humidification. A gauge that monitors temperature and humidity can be helpful to keep optimal conditions constant.
Friday, 5 December 2008
How to store a cigar
Ahumidor is a specially designed box for holding cigars. It's most
often made of Spanish cedar and contains a hygrometer to maintain a constant humidity. An unvarying and proper humidity is fundamental to keep cigars from drying out or from being too moist and developing mold. A consistent temperature of 68°-70° F and a relative humidity of 70-72% keep your smokes in perfect shape. Proper storage at the appropriate humidity and temperature is the most critical factor in maintaining the quality of cigars.

What you should look for in a good humidor.
Make sure the box is perfectly squared and that all seams fit withou
t gapping - gaps inhibit your humidor's ability to maintain a constant humidity. Unfinished Spanish Cedar is considered to be the best wood for the interior. The lid should close tightly and evenly and with a snug fit. The humidification device should maintain a constant and consistent level of humidity with as little maintenance as possible.

What temperature is best for storage?
The best temperature is 70° F, although slightly cooler storage temperatures are all right as long as you maintain a reasonable relative humidity. There is a difference between stable storage and true aging. Lower temperatures will store your cigars fine, but they won't age. This means they won't mature, mellow, or develop the complex characteristics of well-aged smokes. At temperatures too much below 70° , the blended tobaccos will not "marry"; as a result you won't get the subtle changes in flavor many cigar connoisseurs seek.
Horizontal or vertical; how should I store my cigars?
Even if you're not ready to make the investment for a good humidor,
you should still store your cigars horizontally. In a still environment, moist air is very slow to mix with drier air. The air will stabilize eventually, but with frequent opening and closing of whatever container you keep your cigars in, this layering effect could make your cigars burn irregularly. If you store cigars horizontally, you can minimize this effect. You can also minimize this effect by not opening your storage box too often. Standing cigars on their end can cause damage, especially if you stand a cigar on its cap. If you don't have a humidor and are serious about storing and enjoying your cigars, you ought to make the investment. A small humidor doesn't cost much more than a few premium cigars and is well worth the price.

Other ways to store your cigars
As mentioned above, you don't have to have a humidor to store your cigars (though to properly age them, you'll need one). Some smokers use a Tupperware container or even a sealed jar. For short-term storage (not more than a year) such containers work fine as long as you properly maintain the proper temperature and humidity.
While suitable for short-term storage, these containers aren't suitable for aging. The porous nature of wood used in a humidor allows for some seepage and mixing of the inside air. This slow mixing results in what is termed "marrying". This is when the varying qualities of different cigars (filler, wrapper and blend) mix with each other and produce unique tastes. You don't get this effect with a sealed container.
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