Wednesday 28 October 2009

Virginia Slims renovation

Virginia Slims brand always preparing some surprise for adult smokers. At this time, looking forward to spring mood and desire for change, she decided to update the entire line of fragrance, and to update the package design. Virginia Slims Ultra Lights with smooth, silky Flavor appeared in a new line. Was reduced tar and nicotine in the Virginia Slims Full Flavor, tobacco blend in the Virginia Slims Lights were repaired.

Creative and communicative strategy was devised by agency Leo Burnett Moscow, partner, Philip Morris Sales and Marketing. The basic idea behind the campaign is an update, freshness, and art.

Creative note, in every woman today. Taking into account the multiplicity of individual women, Virginia Slims cigarette adult smokers give another opportunity to express themselves, a challenge not only follow fashion trends, but also create your own style, inspired by cigarettes Virginia Slims.

New smooth flavor with pleasant shades of light, new, fresh color on the package, the new logo design and a description of the new brand. The campaign is aimed at sophisticated, well-informed, intelligent and adult women who are interested in literature, film and creative work.

Chocolate for smokers

Scientists from Germany and Switzerland reported the good news for smokers. They learned how to avoid unpleasant consequences due to the friendship with tobacco at low cost. According to research, the best assistant in the health of bitter chocolate.

Team of scientists from the University of Zurich and the German Society of Cardiology, a bar of chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 75% protection against diseases of the cardiovascular system. According the study, consumption of chocolate (40 g) increases the functionality of vascular walls and improves the cardiovascular system. In addition, chocolate reduces the so-called platelets from sticking together, which leads to the formation of clots, reducing blood flow. These doses sufficient for him who for 8 hours, during which the chocolate shows a positive effect on circulation. Thereafter, the smoker, to seek the assistance of chocolate again.

Scientists have discovered a new medical properties of chocolate in the tests, 25 amateur cigarettes took part in the average age of a smoker was 26 years old. Some smokers were offered chocolate, other] white chocolate. As a result of the experiment, scientists found that observed in the first case the product had a favorable effect on the body of smokers in the second or influence. As the experts suggest the healing power of chocolate based on the fact that cocoa contains antioxidants, which have stimulating effects on the vascular system. Thus, smokers can eat this sweet product after each smoking.